The Farmington Area Community Garden
2010 - Year 1
The grand entrance to the community garden in Farmington. There were a total of 10 plots this year. One plot's sole purpose was to provide produce that would be donated to the local food shelf. If you look close enough, you can see the white sign that that marks the food shelf plot located at the end plot on the left side of the center path. Each plot measured 6 X 20 feet.
Luckily I snapped this picture BEFORE the tornado (are we calling it that for sure?) snapped this wonderful sign one early morning in August. This welcoming sign was a great addition to the community garden. Hopefully it will stand proud once again.
The tool shed that was actually picked up and moved during the above mentioned early morning twister. Lots of tools were donated to the garden and this shed was a great touch, and allowed us to store gardening tools on site. I will admit I had some troubles remembering the combination to the lock, but like all kids who enter middle school, I rose above my 'lock' issues and opened it without any major problems.
Early stages of my plot. The green beans are growing quickly and the radishes (or peas) are not too far behind. In the far back are some corn rows (the Iowan in me) and before them a couple watermelon and cantaloupe plants. On September 1st I cut up the first watermelon from the garden and it is tasting great! Not having the greatest luck with the cantaloupe.
A bit later in the summer and the garden is looking a bit more alive. You'll notice my plot is a little weak compared to the 'green thumbs' in the neighboring plots, but I learned lots over the summer and look forward to a more productive season next year. It was a great learning experience and I truly appreciate all the helpful people who advised me with this first time garden.
Our first batch of green beans! I can still remember the night we had our home grown green beans. They were very tasty, and knowing they can from the seeds my wife and I planted a month or so earlier still amazes me a little. A satisfying feeling that all people should experience at least once in their lifetime.