Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shared Writing: Art Around the World

Here is an example of a shared writing done with a group of three second grade boys. Each student selected a color that would represent their ideas during our shared writing. Enjoy!

We read the book Art Around the World by Margie Burton, Cathy French, and Tammy Jones. In China, they fly dragon kites made from cloth on Chinese New Year. People in Japan fold paper into different shapes. This is called origami. In Alaska they carve animals from stone. Trees are used to make masks in Africa. A stamping tool is used to make cloth pretty in India. Cool belts are made from yarn in Peru. After cups are made from clay in Mexico, they are painted to make them look lovely. As you can see, we learned a lot from reading a nonfiction book.

by Connor, Jack, Jefferson, and Mr. F.