Friday, November 13, 2009

Just my obervations

Yesterday in class we learning about the writing strategy "Observations". It can be done in a variety of ways as some people will write one lined sentences or poetry about many of the things around them, while others may describe one specific observation in great detail. Or, one person may make start making a list of random observations and then get more specific on one or two (or a few if they have the time!). We tried it out quickly and did quite well if you ask me. Here are some of the observations made yesterday in class, followed by some observations I made after school and early this morning. If you get the hang of it, try it yourself, you'll be amazed of some of the things you'll learn just from thinking over your own observations. Thanks for reading and enjoy your writing.

Student observations.

*Boys more than girls like to jump up and touch the middle of the doors (with the spinning thingy) in the hallway of our school.

*Leaves crinkle under my feet sound like paper being crumpled up (and hopefully recycled!)

*The ladybug on the alphabet chart is orange and not red.

*Mr. Feustel must like pictures as there are a lot of them throughout the classroom.

*If you are a boy in Mr. Feustel's class and you have an older brother who was also in Mr. F's class. You are more than likely to be called your older brother's name a time or two (or more, I'm so sorry). He also calls girls by their older sister's name from time to time, even if that older sister wasn't in Mr. F's class. Being a girl who had an older brother does not seem to make Mr. F. want to call you by your brother's name, and that's probably a good thing.

Some of my random observations.

*The association in which I live is getting ready for snowfall as the little fluorescent green flags to mark ends of driveways and walkways are out.

*The school district in which I work is trying to save money by leaving some hallways lights off during the hours the students are NOT in the building. This is fine with me, but it does get kind of dark in the morning and afternoon when the students are not here. Hope they are using that money wisely!

*Most of the students in my class are enjoying the book Rules by Cynthia Lord as it seems like they don't complain about reading assignments for this novel. There are also some students how have read ahead and that's a sign of enjoying the book in my mind.

*The basketball player who wore the warm-up suit I bought at the University of Iowa athletic sale was a lot taller than me. I feel like I'm swimming in his warm-up, but it is authentic and looks awesome. Go Hawks!

1 comment:

  1. I've benn reading a lot too, i've reread the among the hidden series, rules, peak, vampire plauges,(a good story i reccomend it) and a bnch of others. I am currently reading my side of the mountain and am going to read that series.
    -Josh =P
