In 5th grade, the students in my class will be creating their own poetry books that will be completed during the month of April. In these wonderful books will be at least 10 original works of poetry created by the student. We've started to get ready for these books by learning some different types of poems. We've done class clerihews (click the word clerihew to see how to create one if you are not sure) and we've just recently learned about quatrains (as it's the form for the poem Casey at the Bat). There was time at school to create some quatrains, and it's now that I ask the readers of this blog to chip in as well. If you need to review the rules of a quatrain, please visit an old blog post on quatrains. And remember, you can string more than one of these quatrains together to create a story. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Thanks for stopping by the classroom blog!