Thursday, April 16, 2009


As we continue to celebrate Poetry Month, the type of poem for today's post is the Quatrain. Quatrains are four-line poems that may follow any one of four different rhyme patterns (AABB, ABAB, ABBA, & ABCB). Having a certain "flow" to your poem will set it apart from others as rhythm plays an important part in poetry. Please try your best to create this by repeating to yourself (and maybe even making some changes to your first draft) many times before posting. Yesterday we almost reached our goals of 10 Haikus. Today we'll shoot for 10 Quatrains from the blog readers. Post away!


  1. Earth Day is coming

    Earth day is coming soon
    And we will celebrate
    By cleaning parks & land
    To help the planet's fate

  2. The dolphin jumped out of the sea
    Trying to show off
    But then she did something wrong
    And didn't land so soft

  3. Here's a story using Quatrains.

    My iPod is loaded with podcasts and good tunes
    I've eaten my pre-race snack of dried prunes
    The weather is perfect and I'm ready to go
    Thank goodness the forecast does not call for snow

    Five miles is the distance for tonight's training run
    It's so nice to see so much of the sun
    I can't wait to hear the podcast today
    It's about the Playoffs in the NBA

    My team is the Lakers and they look pretty prime
    To bring home the championship one more time
    Mr. James is a player who worries me lots
    He's so good at making all the right shots

    But Kobe and Paul will give it their best
    Plus Andrew, Lamar and all the rest
    It's win or "Go Home" and I'm ready to cheer
    For the Lakers to make 2009 their year!

    Go Lakers!

  4. Title: The Stream

    A- The water was racing down the stream
    B- By the sandy bay
    C- As fast as a lightning beam
    B- Under the stream pebbles lay


  5. There is a giant mole
    It is after cole
    Now it is after me
    And a bee

  6. The Puppy

    A- The puppy was really wild
    B- As wild as a cat
    C- When you get close he bits
    B- He's as scary as a bat


  7. The Weather

    A- The clouds are going by
    B- In the clouds are lightning bolts
    C- And loud thunder bombs
    B- In the lightning bolts are volts


  8. The twins won last night
    But the game gave me a fright
    Nathan gave up a home run
    I wish the game was in the sun

    He finally got out of the jam
    I wondered if he smelled like ham
    Then Morneau came up to bat
    avoided the double play that was that
