Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snowy Day

What a snowy day! I was just curious to see what all the readers of this blog did Thursday afternoon as the snow came down in the Southern Metro. I went to the club to get a workout in. What did you do? Can't wait to see what the readers were up to.  


  1. Driving in my truck down the snowy street is something I wasn't planning on doing at 6:30, but living in Minnesota I've learned you have to "go-with-the-weather". True, there are many conferences to be made up, but to look at the situation as a glass half-full, I'll take advantage of the extra time. There is now time to listen to a few podcasts and burn some calories before the day comes to an end. I'm very curious to see what the 31 part-time residents of C-10 did on their early release day that was graced by several inches of white powder. I thank you in advance to all who post! You make this blog a place I enjoy visiting.

  2. Nothing much just walked around school and read my book.Wish i could have done more but i was at the book fair till about 4:00P.M

  3. I just stayed home read a plethora of minutes and stayed home.

  4. I love the snow but the bus ride was an adventure and it took quite a long time. What I did durring early release...I hung out with my sister then I did my homework. I like early release days.

  5. Thank you tuner, A.J., and Joshua M for your thoughts on the snow day. Glad you either did homework and hang out with family members, read a 'plethora' of minutes, or just walked around reading a book (careful, that sounds a little dangerous!). You also posted a comment on our classroom blog and I appreciate your efforts. I'm thinking it's getting late and I need to get some sleep. Travel safe, and dress accordingly!

  6. Right when I got home, I did my homework. Then when I got done, my friend Zach called me and we went outside to play football in the snow. We had so much fun, but I was freezing after we were done.
